Shri Haribhai V. Chaudhari

Shri Akhil Anjana Kelvani Mandal, an educational Trust is managed by some great visionaries of the Anjana Chaudhari community of the state of Gujarat. It was a Trust set up by people who worked devotedly for the noble cause of education, and especially for the noble cause of girls’ education for their academic upliftment. The Mandal had its first founder President, Shri Jivanbhai Madhabhai Chaudhari, a great visionary who strove hard all his life for establishing an educational institution to impart education to the girls of the remote, rural areas and the backward communities of the Central and Northern parts of Gujarat, irrespective of their caste, creed or religion. Shri J.M. Chaudhari himself hailed from an humble peasant’s family but his philanthropic vision was lofty to help create a Nation wherein her girls can avail of equal opportunities to be educated well and thus can be made independent and self-reliant in life not only economically but also in terms of social dignity. With this noble end in view Shri J.M. Chaudhari undertook the responsibility of collecting required funds in the form of donation to enable young students in their pursuit of the career of their choice with the help of standard education from elementary level to higher education. When the required fund was raised in sufficient quantity on the initial base Shri J. M. Chaudhari popularly known as “Sheth” decided to use the same for the noble cause of establishing a girls’ school where education can be imparted exclusively to the girls. He believed that if women folk are educated in the right way then most of the problems of our Nation can be solved automatically. To put his ideals into practice he established the aforementioned girls’ school at Gandhinagar in 1983. He realized that villages of the Northern and central part of Gujarat did not have adequate and proper educational facilities even for boys let alone the girls so by establishing such educational institute with hostel facilities in the capital town would facilitate the girl students of those areas in availing good education.
The Trust is currently managed by Shri Haribhai Veljibhai Chaudhari, another great visionary who is an entrepreneurial businessman, an educator, a devoted social worker and active politician. Shri Haribhai Chaudhari, dreamt of bringing about a social revolution by educating the girl students of the state under the guidance of Lt. Shri Jivanbhai Chaudhari, Shri Manibhai Chaudhari and other members of the Trust. For the all round growth of the girls this visionaries have tried to create a conducive and comfortable environment for their academic pursuits, for their participation in cultural activities, and for their active involvement in the social and community work. Above all their pious motive has been to make them good human beings and of course good citizens.
Under the able guidance and vision of Shri Akhil Anjana Kelvani Mandal there are 13 educational institutes in the District of Gandhinagar and about 20 Institutes in the Northern and Central parts of the state. Education related to Law, Humanities, Management, Sciences and Computer technology is imparted in these various institutions.
A true Gandhian, Late Shri Jeevanbhai Seth firmly believed that a healthy strong society can be constructed only when the girl child is educated and made independent. For this, Shri Jeevanbhai endeavored incessantly to realize his dream and strove hard throughout his life for establishing an institution of Higher Education for girls. It was at his insistence that Shri Popatlal K. Chaudhary, an NRI, donated a huge sum of money for the initial construction of the Institute of Higher Education named Shri P. K. Chaudhari Mahila Arts college which started functioning at Gandhinagar in 1994. And the institution has proved to be a boon for the aspirant girl students hailing from remote villages to complete their graduation and post graduation and even further study hassle free as there is a hostel also on the campus.